Our Meetings and Role Descriptions

As a member of Katy Toastmasters, you will learn to be an effective communicator and leader. By fulfilling various meeting roles, we learn how to give instructions, explain our roles, speak to an audience and gain more confidence as we convey this to a group of people. 

What follows is a summary of the roles that you will gain expertise in fulfilling.

Toastmaster  acts as a genial host (Master of Ceremony) and conducts the program, including introducing the speakers and providing a smooth transition between meeting segments.

Speaker A major portion of each Toastmasters meeting is centered on one or more speakers who have prepared their speeches based on manual project objectives.

Table Topics Master prepares a series of questions for members to respond which helps us build our impromptu speaking skills which we all do every day. Guests are not obligated to speak but may be asked if they would like to participate.

General Evaluator evaluates anything and everything that takes place throughout the meeting and provides a verbal report at the end of the meeting.

Speech Evaluator provides verbal feedback to a speaker based on the manual objective to enhance their speaking skills. The audience is encouraged to provide written feedback using the forms provided on the tables. Evaluations are 2-3 minutes.

Timer records the time used by the speakers and evaluators. Most speeches are 5-7 minutes but vary based on the speech objective.

Listen Master develops 5-7 questions based on what is said in the meeting. At the end of the meeting, they will ask the questions and anyone in the audience can answer ‘out loud’ thereby no one will be asked a direct question. 

Ballot Counter collects the voting ballots after the Table Topics session and presents the winner with a trophy and ribbon at the end of the meeting.

Ah Counter records the use of words and sounds used as a “crutch” or “pause fillers” by anyone who speaks during the meeting and will give an overall report at the end of the meeting; however, members can find out their individual performance after the meeting.

Grammarian selects the “Word of the Day” and will give a report at the end of the meeting on interesting words or phrases used and if any misuse of the English language is used.
Greeter – This member to welcomes all members and guests as they arrive to our meeting room and ensures everyone has the meeting agenda.

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