Saturday, June 21, 2014

Congratulations To The Officers of 2014

The Class of 2014 has left an impression. The accomplishments of the outgoing officers deserve recognition for this and all of the accompanying accolades. They have set the bar very high for the Class of 2015. Having said that they have also laid a firm foundation for Katy Toastmasters in the new fiscal year. The new officers, because of these past accomplishments,  are poised to exceed not only the the goals and objectives that we have committed to, but the high marks of the Class of 2014.

Congratulations again to our outgoing Officers.

President: Andy Paultanis
Vice President: Jody White
Vice President Membership: Vimit Gupta
Vice President Public Relations: Jeff Morrical
Treasurer: Pradeep DeSeram
Secretary: Sher Kadibhai
Sergeant At Arms: Deborah Cerkovnik

Outstanding work ! The diverse and dynamic membership of Katy Toastmasters is what makes all of this possible. Our club and our accomplishments are a sum of its parts.

Speech A Thon - Thursday Night Lights

Our next scheduled Speech A Thon will be Thursday, June 26, 2014. 

What is a "Speech A Thon"? Why does it sound like a marathon?

Because the concepts are somewhat related. Katy Toastmasters regular meetings occur on the first, second and third week of the month. Those meetings generally follow the structure laid out in the sample agenda in the sidebar on the right. ( Sample Agenda of A Meeting)

This agenda allows for three speakers on each of these first three Thursdays. Our club is 54 members strong and growing. To give all the members a chance to hone their speaking skills we introduced the Speech A Thon. These are tentatively scheduled on the fourth and fifth Thursdays.

The Speech A Thon format is what it sounds like. More speeches. In fact it is composed of only speeches and evaluations. This allows our members to advance their speaking goals and opportunities at a much quicker pace. These, like our regular meetings, are very well attended and guests are always welcome.