Saturday, November 30, 2013

Demons Among Us

A speech from the Katy Toastmasters Halloween Meeting.

Presented by Andy Paultanis, CC on October 17, 2013
Advanced Communication Series: Humorously Speaking Manual
Project 4: Make Them Laugh
Time: Five to Seven Minutes
Evaluator: Peter Higginbotham
Video Time: Eight minutes, ten seconds

Posted by Andy Paultanis

Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas 1914

Phil Sutton once again shares his passion for history, belief in the human spirit and the dignity of all people with Katy Toastmasters.  Phil always gives 200% effort in everything he does.  (Normally speakers don’t dress up for their speeches.)     

Presented by Phil Sutton, ACB on July 25, 2013
Advanced Communication Series: The Entertaining Speaker
Project 4: A Dramatic Talk
Time: Seven to Nine Minutes
Evaluator: Andy Paultanis

(Below is a direct Link to YouTube with embedded video below, run time eight minutes and thirty three seconds should the embedded video freeze:)

Christmas 1914 - YouTube Direct Link

Speech Evaluation Video Time:  

 Below is the speech evaluation by Andy Paultanis with a direct link to YouTube should the embedded video freeze.  Run time three minutes and fifty three seconds. 

Special thanks to Jim Harrington for all his video recording efforts.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CC Project # 9: Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

Competent Communicator/Project 9: Persuade with Power                           
Objectives: Persuade listeners to adopt your viewpoint or ideas or to take some action; Appeal to the audience’s interests; Use logic and emotion to support your position; avoid using notes.
Time: Five to seven minutes
Presenter: Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863

Today is the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.  This is considered one of the greatest speeches ever written.  A little historical perspective. 

It could be argued Abraham Lincoln was the most hated President in United States history during the Spring of 1863.  The people of southern states (the Confederacy, the gray ) despised him. Many people of the northern states (the Union, the blue) hated him for the horrendous casualties and lack of Union military victories in the first two  years of the American Civil War.

The war began in April 1861 and by 1863, people of the North began to question if the war being fought to preserve the Union and abolish slavery was worth their human cost and suffering.  More Americans soldiers were killed in the American Civil War than almost all the combined wars ever fought by the United States.  It was a bloodbath.  Most of those who were wounded usually endured amputation of limbs. For example, after the war in 1866, half of the state budget of Mississippi was to provide artificial prosthetic limbs for veterans.

General Robert E. Lee of the South continually “bitch slapped” the armies of the North. In the summer of 1863 he invaded the North in hope of drawing out the Union armies where he could once and for all destroy them.  The South was so confident of victory,  Robert E. Lee  carried with him a letter for the terms of peace to be delivered to President Lincoln once Lee captured Washington, D.C.

In July 1863, the Northern and Southern armies engaged for three days in the greatest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere at a sleepy little farm town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. 

On the third day of the battle, General Lee threw the dice when he ordered the Army of Northern Virginia to attack the center Union line across a mile of open fields which became known as “Pickett’s Charge.”  The Confederates were slaughtered.  It was the first significant victory for the North that marked the beginning of the end of the Confederacy.

On November 19, 1863, President Lincoln travelled to Gettysburg to dedicate a military cemetery for the Union soldiers killed in the battle.  Lincoln was still dealing with draft riots, men angry at being called to serve in the army, throughout the North.  He wanted to persuade the people of the North not to despair and to continue fighting for just causes: Freedom and the American Ideal.

Lincoln wrote a speech he thought few would remember but wanted the Northern people to always to honor the men who gave their lives at Gettysburg.  The Gettysburg Address is considered one of the most eloquent speeches in history.

Lincoln spoke for about two minutes and would not qualify for a Toastmaster International Speech of five to seven minutes.  His speech teaches us  the quality of a speech is far more important than its length. 

Below is a link to a excellent YouTube video of Gettysburg Address narrated by the actor Jeff Daniels that runs for about two and a half minutes. He speaks very slowly and clearly using pauses to emphasize the ideas of the speech. Note the subtle vocal variety in the speech.

The Gettysburg Address


Below is bonus video link for the historically deranged members of the club (i.e. Phil S, Heleane S, Andy P, et al) of Pickett's Charge which is almost thirty minutes from the movie of Gettysburg.  My sons and I walked across the same fields at Gettysburg to the point where General Armistead was killed at the Union Wall.  Warning: graphic violence.

Below is a photo of my sons at the tree line which began Pickett's Charge.

Posted by Andy Paultanis

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Totally Like Whatever, You Know, the Ah Counter Role

There is a biological reason why we have only one mouth but two ears.  Survival.

 Listening is a critical survival skill necessary to develop personal and professional relationships.  It is a necessary skill for intellectual growth.

 At Katy Toastmasters, we probably listen more than we speak.  Members listen to speeches, evaluators listen closely to speak about  positives and improvements.  Grammarians listen for  grammar usage and the world of the day.  The Listen Master challenges the members at the end of the meeting with questions to see how well members listened.

LET'S SEE, one of the most unique Toastmasters roles is, UM-AH, YOU KNOW, the Ah Counter Role, WELL, this member listens to everyone who speaks and records any filler words and I MEAN, it’s a dangerous role because, ER, once a member does this role, THEY LIKE, become auditory sensitive to others and begin to count filler words when others are speaking, SO NOW, at church I find myself as an Ah Counter counting the UM’s and AH's of whoever is speaking BUT I have become a better listener.

Dr. Alex Byelashov shared with me a link to a speech by Taylor Mali who is you know, a slam poetry performer, as he has fun with modern speech in the YouTube video below. This video runs for three minutes and four seconds. (There are numerous humorous and interesting Taylor Mali videos on YouTube.)


Monday, November 11, 2013

Everyday Leadership

A thank you to Michael Masek, DTM for sharing this video on “Everyday Leadership.” 

Leadership is not changing the world.  Leadership is “Lollipop Moments.”  Our simple acts of concern and kindness can change a person’s life for the better.

Below is a short but powerful YouTube video that runs six minutes and twenty one seconds.  On the TEDx website there has been over 1,100,000 views.  I think this is worth six minutes of you time.


Posted by Andy Paultanis